Sound Techniques Recording Studio: an illustrated history
We are excited to announce a Sound Techniques book, featuring original and largely unseen photos from the Keith Morris photography archive alongside insightful excerpts from our 50+ interviews so far, compiled by our friend Adrian Whittaker. More on him below.
We aim to produce hardback and soft cover editions of the book. Please sign up below for updates on progress, special advanced ordering deals and launch events. Your details will only be used for these purposes.
Work continues on the film itself while we secure funding for the final edit.
Adrian Whittaker
Adrian’s previous books include the critically acclaimed Be Glad for the song has no ending – An Incredible String Band Compendium (new revised and expanded edition, Strange Attractor 2023) and Dr Strangely Strange – Fitting Pieces To The Jigsaw (Ozymandias books, 2019).